Sunday, April 19, 2009

First Days In Heidelberg

Hello, everyone! We finally made it to Germany. We talked with a nice guy named Mathias (pronounced Mah-Tee-Us) who cleared up a lot of misconceptions we had about Germany. He works for a big tire company in Hanover. Anyway, here's a pic of Joe and Mathias just before we excited the plane. I would have taken pics of the airport but of course the security folks in Deutschland would have none of that.

The other pic is a view from our plane window. Through the window is another Boeing 747 just like the plane we flew on. It also gives a good idea of what the weather was like when we arrived. Pretty miserable.
View from my plane window

Last night, Joe and I met up with my cousin, Lisa, who just happened to be traveling to Heidelberg to visit a friend of hers on our same flight. We ended up at Heidelberg's own Irish Pub called The Dubliner. It was a very cool little joint and I discovered Hard Cider while Joe and Lisa's friend, Martin (he pronounces it Mah-tin) discussed politics over Jameson's Irish Whiskey. When the pub closed, we headed next door to The Kebap Haus for Doner Kebaps (they are a little like gyros sandwiches but tastier and Turkish rather than Greek). Today we went back to HD for Italian ice cream.

Don't worry, we looked at coo-coo clocks and nutcrackers. I'll get some pictures of that up soon.